Originally Posted by consolegaming
Create a VB Option for it and set it to hidden? And then alter it's value whilst your doing the rest of this stuff?
Forgive my ignorance here, I'm still learning how to code within the vbulletin world

Do you mean creating a vboption in terms of the admincp->Settings->MyProduct sense? I was initially considering something like that, but it still leaves me confused with how to get the result of the db->insertID from the install code to populate something else. If you can give me a bit more of a push in the right direction, that'd be great!
Originally Posted by Carnage-
Would you mind writing this up as an article once you've got it fully figured out; its something I may want to do in the future and having an easy to find reference would be great.
I've actually already started writing part of it up for that exact purpose, just wanted to get some more understanding of it before I did (and I need to work on the removal process for uninstall code as well).
But yes, yes I will