Irgendwie funktioniert die Zusammenarbeit mit Photopost nicht
Hab die cel_pp_config_photopost.php zwar angepasst, aber ich bekomm beim Aufruf im Editor immer einen DB Fehler.
Hier mal meine cel_pp_config_photopost.php
##### Special settings #####
################################################## ##############################
# Below, you will find special settings for this product. They need to be
# filled in.
// The values for the following settings can be found in Photopost Administration
// Center
// Full URL path to Gallery:
$url_path = "";
// Full URL path to Data Dir:
// Look for this in PP-Administration->Global Options->URL to PhotoPost data directory
$data_dir = "";
// Table prefix. pp_ is the default setting.
// You may have changed this on installation of Photopost Pro.
// Look for this in PP-Administration->Edit Config->PhotoPost Database Prefix
$db_prefix = "pp_";
// ### If your vB and Photopost run from the same Database, ###
// ### skip the following. To use different database, set ###
// ### $pp_other_db to TRUE and fill in the variables ###
// Set to TRUE if using different database for vB and PP
$other_db = TRUE;
// Database Name
$db_name = "db28xxxx_3";
// Database Host
$db_host = "";
// Database Username
$db_user = "db28xxxx_3";
// Database Password
$db_pass = "meinPW";
// Enter a comma seperated list of category/album ids. The categories/albums
// will be made available to all users. This allows you to offer an image
// repository to your users.
// Example: $public_ids = "4,8,10";
// $public_ids = "";
Was mach ich falsch