Detailed features list
Please note that not all features are available with all products. Not all products provide for every one of them.
- works with vB's attachment system, the integreted album system and/or Photpost Pro and vBGallery. Decide which of them you want to use, or use them all.
- active in main editor, quickreply and quickedit
- up to 10 different options in what way to insert the images, you decide which to use
- decide whether you want to let your users filter the images shown in the popup by albums/categories; the relevant dropdown will hierarchically mirror your album/category structure; eventual permissions will be applied
- define common folders/categories. The images inside those will be accessible by every user.
- code mode (by user group) to only show insertion code instead of actually inserting
- stores the settings/filters the user uses in the popup in a cookie that stays valid for the session
- the script will detect whether editor is in wysiwyg or codeview-mode and act accordingly, so that in wysiwyg-mode the actual image will be visible
- the script will auto-close once the user saves his post
- supports gallery product installation in a different database than vB's
- Fully phrased