I tried to reinstall but still get division by zero and unable to view the character
Edit: I found out whats wrong with division by 0. The character creation is not being proper imported to the database. I checked rpg_petuser and all values returned to be 0. So I have to manually input the character stat (class, str, luck, crit, images, etc..) and it works perfectly fine.
Secondly, I also think the character images didn't show up because inside the pet creation code, you called a wrong database table name but I am not sure which one.
I think he pointed out the right error.
Table Prefix Databse Error still exists in v2.0.2:
Code from the Install XML:
$query = "CREATE TABLE `rpg_setting`
Code from the rpg.php:
$query = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rpg_setting WHERE id=1");