What would be an easy way to display custom variable data in a form email body. For example, I have a form, the user fills it out and clicks submit. The contents of that form get emailed to someone else. Now, in the Before Submit hook, I have some logic that sets a variable based on how the user filled out the form. I'd like the contents of that variable to be displayed in the body of the email.
The variable is completely custom and based on data returning from a SQL dB lookup.
Any ideas? Geesh, I love this mod. It offers so much flexibility!
Figured this out. I simply appended my information to $formoutput, ie, $formoutput .= "My variable: " .$row[variable];
This works fine. I would think there is a way to make it a template variable so I could then use something like {my_variable}, but suspect it might take a lot more work.