Cant have more then one Style? vB4 Bugs like crazy
For some reason i have not been successful installing 2 or 3 styles in vB4. I upload one and for that to work I have to set it at Default, and what ever style I add it use the CCS and even images from the other style so there is no way to get this done.
Another thing I noticed is vB4 have bugs like you never imagine. The database goes to :erm: eaw.. Is the 3rd time alrady I fix tables in the data base caused by vB4.
I was a happy camper with vBulletin until I upgrade to vB4.
Anyone have an idea why this is happening? I mean IP.Board I tried and is not buggy like vB is right now, I hope they fix this one day because they are climbing the hill on this one.
At least I want to fix the style bug. Can any one help me out on this one?