Originally Posted by OGZ.Korea
So, this is the great owner of nihonomaru.
Firstly, I would like to say great job on the website. I love the neado design.
If you don't mind, how many hours did it take to make that site?
Because it looks like they worked a lot, and you've used quite a fund!~
No suggestions so far though however, if I do think of a good suggestion I will post it here or message you.
So far, Nihonomaru is already greatly coded.
It took around a year to come to this point, still we are working on the main site, which will look even better.
p.s actually this isn't fully neado's design/work, he made a style which i didn't like too much, he wasn't a good listener and he charge per hour for any changes which was out of my budged, so i took the design and worked on it myself and give it back to him to css coded the layout. The logo, the footer, and the header, are all our design/work.
This was neado design, the one in the attachment
Originally Posted by Rahstyles2008
I think ur site is very nice.. who ever made the design for that skin.. is very good.. i would hire them for my forum anyday
I worked on all the skin, with the help of our gfx mods, but i provide ideas, images, everything and i edit the styles in photo shop if i don't like something.
but we have around 12 costume skins, look at the forum footer