I finally had time to have an internal discussion with Brian, Mikey and other admins on the WTN boards.
Hello everybody
We're proud to announce that the vbfans.com site since merger has been part of the wetalk.network here, and that we're now considering this theme for vBulletin 4 an official wetalk.network (wtn) product.
This means we can now invest time and resources into getting an update for this style, as desired by the community.
The vbfans.com cleancut v4 style will be renamed to:
WTN CleanCut. A style for vBulletin 4, by vbfans.com
We have access to 4.0.3 Patch Level 1 of vBulletin, the FORUM CLASSIC package.
We've started a beta site where we will develop our styles, currently this is behind htaccess and limited to our wtn.team and select few beta testers.
styles.allbeta.com runs 4.0.3 pl1 now, and we're progressing with installing the cleancut style as we have it, converting and developing it for version 4.0.3 pl1 forum package, of vBulletin.
If anybody is interested in having beta access on June 7th, please let us know in this thread:
Where we will provide the latest build and support for this WTN.CleanCut style.
We will pick a few people and contact them with the login details.
We hope to make progress during June and provide a beta .zip file on the vbfans.com site, and later a gold release on vbulletin.org