Originally Posted by digitalpoint
In the current form, no. But something similar (and some other stuff) is something I was already playing around with internally for a future version.
Good to know.
Im guessing there is no minor adjustments that can be made to this in order to make it appear within a particular page and not only on its own page.
Since you plan on expanding on it, may i give another suggestion...
I find that it would work very nicely if it could be harnessed in a way similar to a "recent activity" or "latest posts" type widget.
Except that this one appears in real time while the others are pretty much static.
What would be needed most for that is to be able to add in which forums to include.
The iSpy mod allows you to add in which forums to exclude, nice option... but a real pain in the ass when you have an incredibly large amount of forums and subforums.
And having it work as a widget would be nice too