Advertising tutorial?
I'm not looking to add another modification for my vB right now (I'm holding off on upgrading to 4.0 because the mods I do have (and love) are going to make the upgrade difficult), but am looking for a good tutorial on adding ads to my site.
Specifically, I need a quick answer to how to add a banner ad with a link to one of the template locations. I know how to drop html code in (from goggle adsense and other affiliates), but I was sent a selection of banners in .swf code and need to put them in with a link to the referring site.
I used to know how to do this, but since the twins were born I haven't focused on making changes to my site and can't for the life of me remember how.
Do I upload the graphic to the forum host? What is the code I need to use?
Sorry for such newbie questions... I'm happy to learn on a tutorial or to take straight info from a friendly fellow user.