Originally Posted by texasteamplayer
you should convert this so simply entering a steamID is sufficient.
steam users don't have to make a profile ID to get their pages to work on steam. so, this mod should be able to simply bring up the card based on the STEAM ID, and not the community profile ID (which most people have no idea or care to get).
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197974779190 = a valid steam community page.
gameme, formerly hlstatsX, is able to link people's profile pages just from pulling their steamID out of the game logs. shoudln't be difficult to change this mod to do the same (generate gamercard info based just on the actual steamID)
You are right about the STEAM ID but like I said before, the problem is that the STEAM don't have any official gamercard and none of these unofficial gamercard generators support STEAM ID!
The only way to use actual STEAM ID is to generate the gamercard directly form the profile XML which it needs separate modding and isn't a simple code change.