Originally Posted by Sworm
AdminCp/Options/Custom Pages/ Change Nav Title with all you want
if you have more of 1 page , this edit will change the titles of all your custom pages
is there anyway to make the breadbrmb work with the subpages?
For example, my main page is called Games, one subpage is Mablibs
instead of having the breadcrumb be {home_icon} Games for lal pages
could it be {home_icon} Games > Madlibs?
I have been looking at the code, but I am not familiar enough with VB4 yet, to figure it out...
EDIT: Ok, I got it working.
replace (in page.php)
// #######################################################################
// ######################## START MAIN SCRIPT ############################
// #######################################################################
//$navbits = construct_navbits(array('' => $vbulletin->options[bbtitle]));
$navbits = construct_navbits(array('games.php' => $vbulletin->options[madkour_custom_pages_nav]));
$navbar = render_navbar_template($navbits);
// #######################################################################
// ######################## START MAIN SCRIPT ############################
// #######################################################################
$subpagetitle = $HTTP_GET_VARS[p];
if($subpagetitle == ""){ $navbits = construct_navbits(array('games.php' => $vbulletin->options[madkour_custom_pages_nav]));
} else { $navbits = construct_navbits(array('games.php' => $vbulletin->options[madkour_custom_pages_nav], '' => $subpagetitle)); }
//$navbits = construct_navbits(array('' => $vbulletin->options[bbtitle]));
//$navbits = construct_navbits(array('games.php' => $vbulletin->options[madkour_custom_pages_nav]));
$navbar = render_navbar_template($navbits);
This sets the breadcrumb to your template name
so if the page is page_test the breadcrumb will be test