Originally Posted by Paul M
Nope, you lost me completely.
Originally Posted by Boofo
Can I catch a ride? I'm lost, too, on what he was trying to say.
Keep up
Originally Posted by Sunka
I am not lost (I think).
It will show example B
Thanks, I just want to prevent a double post. On 3.8.x when someone made a double post IE 'the exact same text as the text before' a message would pop up saying this is a duplicate of something you've just posted, you would then get redirected to the original. On vb4 this doesn't seem to be the case, I've logged a ticket about it so I guess it's trouble shooting time.
Funnily enough though the response I got aside from the trouble shooting steps was that theyve noticed a number of people getting the same problem recently so I wonder if it's caused by the 4.0.3 update?