Mine is not working!
can anyone check the my code here please, thanks a lot:
The array below are the ids of non-public forums, update these to be your admin forum ids or anything non-public by default
$excludedForums = array(3,6);
// If you are having trouble getting bitly URL shortening to work... disable it!
$useBitly = true;
if (!in_array($foruminfo[forumid], $excludedForums)) {
$shortUrl = 'http://www.mymarketingforum.ch/forum/showthread.php?t='.$newpost[threadid];
if ($useBitly) {
require_once 'bitly.php';
$bitly = new Bitly('mymafo','http://bit.ly/a6LdSx');
$shortUrl = $bitly->shorten($shortUrl);
$tweet = '';
if (isset($newpost['prefixid']) && $newpost['prefixid'] != '') {
$tweet = $vbphrase['prefix_'.$newpost['prefixid'].'_title_plain'].' ';
$tweet .= $newpost['title'].' '.$shortUrl;
require_once 'twitter.php';
$twitter = new Twitter('mymafo','xxxxxxxxxx');