Originally Posted by Jeweetog
VBDev, you should make a topic on your forum and sticky it with a FAQ list and put the link at top of the MOD post.
Or you're gonna get crazy 
Users wouldn't pay attention to that link. Do you alway read the whole mod posts ?
Originally Posted by w00ttastic
Well, I just added it as an embedded html code via custom BB codes. I am quite sure it works, but it doesn't appear anywhere as an option.
Really, we don't have a problem with the Youtube tags, it's the insipid autoplay option that's terrorizing users. In forums, I just replace the string "autoplay" with "xxxxxxxx" or something and that stops it from happening. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be a built-in wordfilter here (and if there is, I can't find it).
Custom bbcode shouldn't be parsed, I have a closed bbcode list different from the whole forum.
Originally Posted by tafreeh
So you think Changing 30sec to 10sec can improve its speed?
Depends of what is really the speed problem you are encountering.
If this is the refresh when you are not talking but just looking at the chatbox, then yes it will.
Originally Posted by vilhiem
Thanks for your reply regarding the FlashWindow function. But if that doesn't work, is there any way the app could somehow "visually alert" a user if the page is minimized (that's why I was thinking something with the taskbar) ...?
Not that I know, perhaps you could do a little search and if you find something I'd agree to have a look to implement it

This must be javascript !
Originally Posted by lubbie
Very nice chatbox. Maybe that question is already answered, i would like to display the chatwindow underneath the navbar (forum, forum home - CMS is already under navbar), if possible. I was trying to go through this thread but 428 sides are quit a lot and also the inline search wasnt a success.
To do it on forumhome, you have to modify the plugins.
Anyway there is no how to about that in the readme, I'll have to include it back for vB4 in the next release.