Originally posted by jarvis
I, too, was getting your exact same error. I went round and round for days wondering what the heck was going on in my little NT world. 
I have found that IIS appears to have problems with filtering or parsing included files. The IIS include is looking for a txt or HTML file, and thus I could not get it working with a plain SHTM(L) include statement.
What I did as a work around, is I set up my SHTM pages to be parsed by the PHP Isapi filter versus the ssinc.dll that is default. Basically my homepage is now PHP parsed, but still mostly HTML-based. Have I confused you yet?
Now that my page is PHP-parsed, I can just just the standard <? include("last10.php"); ?> statement in my code and everything works fine. I was a bit nervous about doing this as I wondered if any of my FP extensions would not function, but all seems to working well. (knock on wood)
You can view how I implemented the hack on my site at www.mhogaming.com
Hope that helps...
How did you "set up my SHTM pages to be parsed by the PHP Isapi filter versus the ssinc.dll that is default."? I'm also a hopeless IIS user and this sounds like it will work for me. I'm not familiar with PHP though. Is this an IIS configuration change, a PHP change, or a registry tweak?