Originally Posted by ispots
FYI, just to be safe I actually just updated my entire board to the newest <4 version (3.8.5).
The problems still exist.
Humm, can you do a search on js files in clientscript ? For the vbulletin_version keyword.
Originally Posted by tafreeh
thanks vbdev.. so far i only have problem that all messgs appear at the same time after some seconds.. I mean its not 100% live.. I had vsa chatbox before.. and that shows each messg as soon as press enter.. DO i have to work around with the configuration or something ? other than that this is perfect 
Yep refresh time. But normally when you chat they then get refreshed.
Originally Posted by Saphyrus
i have tried both
Well I dunno then, would have to dig in further but don't really have the time.
Originally Posted by Halfhidden
I've found the plugin in VBAdvanced 4.0.0 that causes the issue by adding too much space beneath the chatbox if placed in the forum beneath the Navbits: Integration Output global_complete
Now to work out why?
Well as I already said, no vB4 CMS widget for now so can't help
Originally Posted by Alfa1
I know this is the vb4 thread, but could you share the vb3 variable as well?
Is it $mgc_cb_evo_var ?
Well it's both vB3 and vB4 thread as there is no more vB3 thread
And yes you are right for the vB3 var.