Originally Posted by Tanapangarap
Some of the sub-menu items (e.g., "Today's Posts, "FAQ," and etc under the "Forum" tab) near the top of your forum take a bit more concentration to read, as well as the "Remember Me?" text below the login form at the top-right. Not sure what you can do with that, though.
I noticed your "Post New Thread" button turns pink when you highlight it. I suppose you intended it to be blue otherwise so that it may stick out? When I first saw it, in any case, I thought you still intended to make it pink to make it "blend" with the overall color scheme of your forum. How about making it white with pink text instead?
Thanks, the first is an easy fix, and yeah I did make that button blue intentionally because I thought I would be using that color more, but now that I haven't I think changing it to white would be a good idea.
my eyes can't stand your design, sorry...
Too bright? Or is the amount of pink obnoxious to you?
I agree that some of the text is a little hard to read but overall as this is your first attempt at a skin, I think you have done a remarkable job so far. Just a few tweaks and you should be all set. Congratulations!
Aw thanks, I know it can be hit or miss based on someones color preferences, but I plan on making more skins available for those who may not care for it.