hunm yep i see your problem now, it could be routed with htaccess for sure , but i cant make you one, i did kind of play around with it a bit and a fix might be possible, useing html
since your forums are now called
Forums, if you make a new folder in root called
forums, and stick a simple html redirect in that folder directing it back to
Forums/index or where ever it should send any thing that comes in in to where ever you have it routed to, probibly wouldnt hurt anything untill you find someone to write you a file that will do it, or in your case
now you may rout it all to a thread or anouther page with an annoncment telling the issue with links to where ever
this is only a stop gap in case some one clicks on it tonight you see , but i would try that
of course i think not sure that all links in that format would wind up there
and of course a htaccess file could be put in there also.
sorry i hate htaccess