Just installed, getting the error:
require_once(DIR . '/insights/insights.php'); set_error_handler('insights_errhandle'); $obj = new InsightsVbulletin($vbulletin); $gravity_output = $obj->getFooterCode($GLOBALS['foruminfo'], $GLOBALS['threadinfo']); $GRV_find = ''; $GRV_add_before = "$gravity_output". PHP_EOL; $output = str_replace($GRV_find,$GRV_add_before.$GRV_find, $output); restore_error_handler();
at the top of the forums.
Originally Posted by puertoblack2003
I like this concept but i noticed that it pulls info from sections that is private and not viewable to the public...
Check insightsconfig.php:
/** array of forum id's that you do not wish to transmit to insights
; they could be your private forums or your admin only forums that you don't wish to track
place one id for each element in the array
$hidden_forums = array(23, 45, 498);
would not send data for categories 23, 45 and 498
$insights_config['hidden_forums'] = array();