Hi! I have really different problem!
I have vbulletin 3.8.4 PL2 and vs-hide-hack-resurrection and always when there's NOT free space after tag (like [hide]<->space OR enter LINK) - if first is link - it's NOT parsed so i have to manualy copy address to navigation bar.
Doesn't work: [HIDE]http://volta-sq.pl[/HIDE]
Works: [HIDE] Counter-Strike -
Works: [HIDE]
Is it possible to fix or do few spaces when tag is entered and auto center writing in center of the tag?
f.eg: i click HIDE and:
[HIDE] <auto free space> [/HIDE]
[hide]<free space><automatic center writing HERE>[/hide]
BTW. If i manualy add link without auto-parse - it work's but nobody do that...
Best regards