Deceptor, thanks for the reply. I have not set up the second forum to use memcache as per my original mistake - I had setup memcache on the server but completely failed to activate it in the vB configs. All I have done is actiavte it (with and without a prefix) on one of the forums.
I am going to try it on the other forum to see if the same error occurs when editing posts.
In the mean time I believe I can report substantial performance improvement on the site with filecache running with your product in combination with the yslow mod.
I do hope that I can get memcache working as it is bound to be even faster and may allow me to investigate the even further potential of using your commercial version.
(sorry I had failed to mark as installed - done that now - I had had it tagged but was not holding off marking as installed - this is an excellent mod and beautifully executed)