Originally Posted by angeljs
No, there aren't any, sorry 
Well I can't debug if I don't have a db error log. Ask your webhost, there must be logs somewhere.
Originally Posted by Masterfred
Thanks you very mutch
Is there a premium version of the MGC Chatbox Evo ? Because I would love to spend some money for your project.
On my forum @
Originally Posted by Bulletnewcomer
after the update....:

Seems like the files are missing. Are you sure you correctly uploaded them ?
Originally Posted by andyv72
1st in the mgc_cb_evo.php? do = showsmilies is a mistake in it, the smilies are not displayed in the box when you click there ..
It's working for me. What's exactly not showing ? Which vB version ?
Originally Posted by andyv72
2nd I would like to have the box directly below the menu, how can I change this (see picture)
Well I don't have the time to provide you with a way to do that sorry. You'll have to try on your own.
I'll try to make a "tutorial" for the next version of the chatbox on how to place manually the chatbox on pages like forumhome, forumdisplay and showthread. For the other pages, chatbox can be in a variable so that lets you do what you try to.
Originally Posted by andyv72
3rd an update of the German xml would be really great or how can I change myself (on what I have to) see.
Captainslater is going to update the language file