Originally Posted by pedrossi
I found this code in the header file:
HTML Code:
<!--<div id="image2" style="display:none">
<div class="box2"><center><img src="vBheader/smallheader.png" border="0" alt="two" usemap="#m_smallheader" alt="" /><map name="m_smallheader" id="m_image2">
<p> </p>
<area shape="rect" coords="668,30,758,46" href="http://forum-skins.com/?page_id=3#ecwid:category=161233&mode=category&offset=0&sort=normal" title="Premium Vbulletin Forum Skins" alt="Premium Vbulletin Forum Skins" />
<area shape="rect" coords="616,30,658,46" href="http://forum-skins.com/?page_id=3#ecwid:category=171882&mode=category&offset=0&sort=normal" title="Special Forum Skin Deals" alt="Special Forum Skin Deals" />
<area shape="rect" coords="545,30,607,46" href="http://forum-skins.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=10" title="Free vBulletin 4.0 Forum Skins" alt="Free vBulletin 4.0 Forum Skins" />
<area shape="circle" coords="794,38, 12" href="#" onclick="changeIt('image1');"></a>
<div class="box1">
<p><img name="image1" src="vBheader/black header.png" width="800" height="100" border="0" id="image1" usemap="#m_black20header" alt="" />
<map name="m_black20header" id="m_black20header">
<area shape="rect" coords="665,79,755,95" href="http://forum-skins.com/?page_id=3#ecwid:category=161233&mode=category&offset=0&sort=normal" title="Premium Vbulletin Forum Skins" alt="Premium Vbulletin Forum Skins" />
<area shape="rect" coords="613,79,655,95" href="http://forum-skins.com/?page_id=3#ecwid:category=171882&mode=category&offset=0&sort=normal" title="Special Forum Skin Deals" alt="Special Forum Skin Deals" />
<area shape="rect" coords="542,79,604,95" href="http://forum-skins.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=10" title="Free vBulletin 4.0 Forum Skins" alt="Free vBulletin 4.0 Forum Skins" />
<area shape="circle" coords="791,87, 12" href="#" onclick="changeIt('image2');" />
<div id="image2" style="display:none"> <img src="2.jpg" border="0" alt="two" /> </div>
<p> </p>-->
Basically, the designer created a bunch of fake links to benefit the SEO ranking of his own forum-skins.com website. He is hoping hundreds of people will install this and not know what is going on because they won't look at the code and realize this is happening... it is probably just hurting everybody's google rankings and not even helping his own site that much. LAME.
LOL. Okay, please read the description before posting these kinds of things.
I said earlier if you download the Green SEO version with CSS+ JSS:
Please note: Requires some advanced knowledge to customize it for per forum. It is possible though. I can not possibly support everyone request for help on JSS+CSS version.
All the other versions do not include this. The reason is because
that version specifically has the "Expand or Shrink it. Beta 1.0" Meaning, I cannot possibly customize this for everyone, it would be impossible. However, I provided people with my code if they wanted to go in and do the necessary edits to adjust it to work with their sites. I wasn't trying to sneak in my own links!
Use the "Normal Green SEO" and it does not include it. lol jeeze.
File Type: Normal & Dark GreenSEOTheme and Digital Forums.zip
File Type:GreenSEOFixedWidth.xml
File Type: GreenSEOTheme.xml
You obviously haven't spent more than 5 minutes look at the instructions to come here and give negative feedback about this theme.
edit: re-uploaded advanced package: made it more clear to users who download it. Also changed .xml to links "Change-your-link here-.com" That way this issue is clear that Im not trying to sneak links into themes. lol