Over the last 3 days or so I have been experiancing problems with my vbulletin forums loading up. Initially I have contacted my hosting company and they have said everything is fine there end....however the problem still persists. Some sub forums load up quickly(like they normally do) and then other times, they take ages(I'm using Firefox and upon clicking on a sub forum in the bottom left it says connecting to
www.sheppeydigital.co.uk and that can appear for upto 5 mins before anything happens.
I have tried another browser and the same thing happens, I have tried resetting my router with the same results. It's like as if sometimes the website loads up fine, and then other times it comes to a grinding halt. I'm pretty sure it's my hosting that's the problem and not the site itself but how can I verify that?
My website address is:
What I need to see is if anyone else has access problems. The site is locked down so viewing the actual forum pages is not possible, but access to the login screen it.