Site Name: (Joe's Ultimate Off Topic)
Description: A mainly off topic (general discussion) forum.
Reason for Nomination: JUOT AKA "The Last Exit on the Internet" was born in June 2008 after the popular website decided to ax their entire off-topic section, responsible for half its total traffic. Today with nearly 1,000 members, a quarter of which are active, we have over three-quarter-million posts. The main forum is "Off Topic" which you must register to see or post. There are a number of on-topic forums that are public as well as some off-topic forums besides the main that can be viewed. The styles are fairly basic but each subforum has it's own icon and there is a custom navbar with icons. For those that prefer there are faster loading 'basic' and 'very basic' themes, along with a dark theme, a mobile-PDA text based theme, and it is also Tapatalk compatible for mobile devices. We have implemented the Gameroom and an extensive arcade, forum store, among other add ons. We also have some very unique banner ads in the rotation, including my favorite, "Wolf Shirt Depot".

Oh and the main reason is we this smiley...

Full Military Power!!! (no images allowed... sigh)