I vote no for one reason only... the fact I just paid 160 bucks for some software that I will never need support for but yet only get a year then I'm cut off from all life unless I pay more money ... but what if I still want to hack my VB after that time... Then I'm basically screwed cuase these forums and downloads will be cut off from me unless I shell out MORE money... I have done a lot of hacking to my boards myself but I love to get Ideas and put them into my own page... Like I got lots of Ideas for my Welcome page looks almost like the one here but I only used a few snipets of code from here to make it all... (Avatar and Posts since last visit that's all)... But if it wasn't for having access to these forums I never would have done that...
Now maybe if you work out something to where anyone that has paid for version 2.0+ has access to those sections and when 3 comes out give them only access to 3 or something like that but please don't cut off people that paid a lot of money for a product then cut them off from hacks that other end users made that No VB developer put time into....
Not to support warez but I bet a lot of hacks come from these type of people and were just missing out on those hacks great hacks I've seen some most likely illegal boards that had a tons of hacks other than ones found here...
Oh well just my two cents...
Mike(aka GrAfiX)
Edited this post cause I just read the last few... Closing downloads to unregged is fine to a point... I paid for Vbulletin 2.xxx whatever I think I should have access to those hacks nothing more nothing less... But Closing the whole forums down thats a different story... Let people see what they are missing they will come around to buying it..