Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
I was also having the problem with the same map displaying no matter where I moved to in Google maps, but the security issue pointed out trumps all- I don't think people realize the damage that can be done with this- it basically opens an iframe to any website on the internet. A nefarious person can put in any type of html, flash, java, or any other web based exploit to download viruses or other damaging software to any computer who views the post with this in it. It completely over-rides the safety of not being able to use HTML on a forum page. Luckily the alternative viewer linked in the top post doesn't seem to have this flaw. I think it's great the author came up with the idea for this but he or she should really insist people uninstall this in favor of the alternate code, or update this code to remove the exploit if possible.
I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing how this is done. I'm trying to plug in various web urls and they're only bringing back a google map. Can you give me an example url that would embed in an iframe? I'd like to confirm if this can happen on my site.