Originally Posted by Replicators
I deleted my posts cause i was wrong to post them, just i along with others are pissed off about the whole ordeal. And you and scott were the only staff really, but you had helper's you guy's hired on to the team. Not fair to mention any names, and maybe you turned over a new leaf, atleast i hope so. If so, then i greatly apologize to you, but if your the same type of +++++++ you were then, i hope people avoid your new company like the plague.
I'm relatively certain that we never knew each other on much of a personal basis, and any "helpers" we had on Inferno Technologies were just customers who volunteered (Or friends of Scot's). Not really surprising they'd want to lay the blame on me than their friend to be honest.
Still, people will always look for someone to blame, and i was the easy target because i actually stuck around to try to explain things. -shrugs-
Such is life.