Originally Posted by Jaxel
bbcode is handled by the template: 8WR_media_bbcode
Feel free to edit it as you wish.
Ok Thanks, Being that i'm by no means a coder, how should I edit it though? All I see in the template are padding settings, Is that border supposed to be like that as Im getting the border in all styles, especially vb4's default..
PHP Code:
<div class="bbcode_container">
<div class="bbcode_quote">
<div class="quote_container" style="padding: 10px; text-align: center;">
<vb:if condition="$error">
{vb:var error}
<vb:else />
<div style="padding-bottom: 10px;"><b><a href="{vb:var media.href}">{vb:raw media.title}</a></b></div>
{vb:raw media.embed}
<div style="padding-top: 10px;"><a href="{vb:var media.href}">{vb:var media.href}</a></div>