Site Name: wir haben die Antworten (Patient questions ... we have the answers)
URL: (English Version)
Description: is a community for patients to ask medical questions. Medical personal like doctors, nurses and paramedics as well as other patients try to answer the questions. It is also a place to share stories and talk about medical and non medical topics.
Reason for Nomination:
Our community is very friendly and open minded. You'll feel part of the family right from the start. Medical personal spends a lot of their spare time to help people in need and to answer your questions. We have some custom mods that make the usability easier and since a few month now we are also available in English thanks to automatic Google translation. This means you can read the German entries in English without doing anything and write your questions in English and German people will see your question in German. Also the forum is very clearly structured and not stuffed with hundreds of sub forums where you get lost in the void.