OK, here is what I've done. I've created a separate script for phpMyChat and vBulletin integration. It includes the hacks discussed here, and should work well for more people. I've made a few small enhancements, and added a few installation notes.
Some points of interest.
1) These files are all .php extensions.
2) No chat registration exists, including administration. You can create rooms in the setup, but that's it. No private rooms, no banning, etc. That's because the setup that works for me has the "no registration" option on. So if you can handle that, this should work.
3) I can answer the questions I can, but not detailed specifics on phpMyChat or vBulletin.
4) I don't have CVS available for any fixes or changes, if I update anything, I'll post it here.
5) This is of course, an unofficial release of the phpMyChat script, but I've left all documentation intact.
Thanks to phpProbe, Tom, phpMyChat, and vBulletin for great hacks and products.
You can download the zip file here: