This may help other new DownloadsII users to the Import tool:
In ACP => DownloadsII => Import
- Absolute path to the download directory." The path on the web server to the directory with the files you want to import.
- So type in your directory path, In my case the web server local Win-IIS drive X:\websites\mysite\uploads\
- Hit the import button.
- If the script finds the directry and files you will next see a list of all files in the directory. If the path is invalid, there is no error message, you just get an emty list.
- Add file name (title) author info etc, select which category to import to and fill in the check box for the files you want to import
- Hit the Imports button
- After a while, you will then see a list "The following files were successfully imported:...."
Originally Posted by janaf
Absolute path to the download directory.
The absolute path to this script is X
Include a trailing slash.
Om my first attemt, I stopped there, as it is always a bit scary to hit a button (Import) without knowing what happnes next.
But past that stage, the Import function is a plain, simple to use, straight forward tool. Much appreciated. Made my day
I would suggest these changes / additions to the first Import page page:
"Absolute path to the download directory." Change this to "Absolute path on the web server to the directoy you want to import."
And add further down on the first page: "In the next step you will be presented a list of available files and you will have the possibility to select and confirm which files to import."