No problem. We will agree to disagree. Or agree on some and disagree on the other. I have no problem with that.
I will try your uninstall program. If you could email information on tables altered etc... I will verify manually that the uninstall script has removed them and left the database intact. This will be fine. I appreicate the instuctions on the hack removal.
I can clearly see that after this statement and your response:
"It is not good to find such errors in html after doing alterations to your db. Shows lack of concern. First thought was if he cannot write html he shouldn't be hacking. I don't need my db screwed up."
I'm not sure how your database would be screwed up by HTML errors but I'll take your NATTS certified word for it. You may consider putting some thought into the fact that if its not constructive its useless. Yours was in no way constructive.
That we are having a lack in communication.
Thank You,