Hey everyone. I just installed this at
CCDV.com and love it, but it's missing something. when you highligh text in normal mode it correctly grabs the text and sticks in in the popup then inserts the vbcode around the text, but when in enhanced mode, the highlighted text gets lost. this is a problem
I wrote the original UBB Code buttons hack back in the day which was later used by the vb team to build these great vbcode buttons. (hey vb team, great job by the way. your code is damn pretty compared to my old messy code.) I was disappointed to see that the vbcode buttons were missing the cursor possition and highlighted text enhancements so it's great to see this addon hack.
real quick, I got a fix for this and wanted to share.
here are 2 new functions. replace the ones in this hack with these new functions and it will work.
code removed due to some error. I reposted it on the next page as an txt attachment and that code works fine.
now when in enhance mode, if you highlight some text and hit any of the top row vbcode buttons or dropdowns and the text will get surrounded by the begining and ending vbcode tags. the bottom row buttons will still open prompts.
I hope it isn't a problem for me posting this code. if this is some copyright violation or something, feel free to delete.