The offer on how to unistall this hack including table alterations etc.. is a fine offer. This will be fine.
Please send here. <edit>resolved</edit>
On the post about backing up. I've been running a nightly cron for quite some time. Db is always backed up and burned to a cd.
3) I have found errors with the html
You will find quite a few, I didnt notice you pointing them out so I cant really tell you how to fix them.
Thank you, but I need no help fixing your html errors. And I agree you have many.
4) The instructions are not compatable with any 2.2.1 within the installer and needs to be updated or the hack removed.
There are still hacks here from pre 2.x and you want to remove mine because you cant be bothered to look through the thread for the 2.2.1 fixes? You really dont like it much do you?
I've already given my opinion of the hack. I didn't come in here to argue. I came to give my opinion on the hack. I've done so.
I would also like to apologise from the bottom of my heart for not being a "Top Notch Hacker" like FireFly and Tubedogg (as you will also note in the instructions you didnt bother reading) I will now go and meditate on how I can better make this hack without dissappointing you.
I did indeed read the instructions. I installed the hack. I found a bunch of basic html errors after the install script hacked at my db.
It is not good to find such errors in html after doing alterations to your db. Shows lack of concern. First thought was if he cannot write html he shouldn't be hacking. I don't need my db screwed up.
Orrrrrrr you can just uninstall (I can send you instructions on how to do so if you like) it and not come back to the thread as you said.
As mentioned above, The instuctions on a complete uninstall will be fine. Much apprecited.
Somthing else I wanted to mention. You are not going to please everyone. I am that one. I don't want to discourage you from further proceeding with your hack in any way, shape or form.
Please do continue. I just prefer not to have beta hacks installed on my server. This hack has been around since 2.03 from what I see here. Am I correct?
BTW, you are not talking to a kid here. You are talking to a NATTS certified computer technician with a degree and 15 years in the field. You are also talking to someone who knows html and the fundamentals of Web Dev.
Not everyone that gives their feedback is an idiot. I obviously wouldn't have known about the html errors if I hadn't checked for them now would I.
Again, I mentioned it several times. I didn't come in here to argue. I came in here to leave my opinion. I did just that and the folks in here turned into Osama's on me. That's fine but this is not a holly war. Just a hack that needs work before being displayed as a FULL RELEASE. This should be in the beta hack forum.
I oplologize for the FireFlyTubeDogg comment. That was uncalled for. I oplogize for comming here not as happy as I should have when I found what I did. But if you go back and read my original post to this one, you will see that I did't come in here to dog anyone or argue. I have beta tested software for Ensoniq Corporation, QuikstoreLLC, LKTOH products and a few more. If there are bugs I find them or they seem to find me. Regardless, please re-read my posts and you'll see that I indeed did not come in here to splatter you. I made points on why I didn't like this hack.
It's fine when you get posts on how nice your hack is by the kids. But when you get someone that does know what they are talking about, try to not treat them like they are out of line.
Did I once say anything about not backing up a database?
Have a nice evening.