Originally Posted by Delilahs
dont forget to change the link in the code from
to the forum link of your forums, or it diverts to Concept 
Originally Posted by syrus.xl
EDIT: I gave you the wrong code, the correct code is below. I did not notice you had changed the actual in and out effect values and parameters.
Because the parameters are hard-coded in to the main swf file, you cannot change the values, only the parameters of the values. Therefore, if you wanted to use header to link to your forumhome, then you just need to do the following:
XML with new transitions and forum home page link
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<slideshow randomDisplay='false'>
<image src='cc_hp_head_images/img1.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>
<image src='cc_hp_head_images/img2.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>
<image src='cc_hp_head_images/img3.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>
<image src='cc_hp_head_images/img4.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>
<image src='cc_hp_head_images/img5.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>
<image src='cc_hp_head_images/img6.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>

just changed the .xml file with this, and now it runs correctly, so when i need to change the effect i need to put the url of my forum in the .xml file? why this isn't requested for the ads?