Update: I was planning on releasing 2.0.2 a few weeks ago that had a few bug fixes and tweaks. Instead, I've spent a few days working on my laptop on version 2.1.0. The reason for this release is I believe there was enough significant bug fixes applied in this version that requires a new version release instead of a maintenance release.
I know I haven't been able to get back to many people on their issues. 2.1.0 is set to fix many issues and as always I've done changes to the Market that allows for new features based off of user's feedback and requests.
The most important changes / features I've done with this version is I've spent some extensive time working on the Admin CP and also the Gift section. I've seen numerous requests since I've released the gifts on being able to control the amount of gifts to display for users so that they don't get cluttered. There is now a new feature within the Admin CP to control these settings. In addition, I've seen numerous requests on being able to control the location on where the gifts are displayed. I've now added features that will allow for the admins to control based off of hook locations.
Other changes and bug fixes involve a new Administrator Permissions system that allows the master admin to control which admins can access what. I've also added Moderator CP access to allow for moderators to be able to edit the Point Market and Admins can control which mods will have access.
And there are other features as well. I'm trying to get this out as soon as possible so keep checking back daily and hourly.