Originally Posted by syrus.xl
All transitions are listed under the Documentation/vB Flash Header Pro Transition settings.txt file. It shows all in and out effects available.
The branding-free version will be available shortly in our store.
OK thanks, just another question:
i've changed the cc.hp.head.xml file like the following:
PHP Code:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<slideshow randomDisplay='false'>
<image src='cc_hp_head_images/img1.jpg' lupk='' upEffect='Coarse Blur' downEffect='Wave down'>
<image src='cc_hp_head_images/img2.jpg' lupk='' upEffect='Coarse Blur' downEffect='Wave down'>
<image src='cc_hp_head_images/img3.jpg' lupk='' upEffect='Coarse Blur' downEffect='Wave down'>
<image src='cc_hp_head_images/img4.jpg' lupk='' upEffect='Coarse Blur' downEffect='Wave down'>
<image src='cc_hp_head_images/img5.jpg' lupk='' upEffect='Coarse Blur' downEffect='Wave down'>
<image src='cc_hp_head_images/img6.jpg' lupk='' upEffect='Coarse Blur' downEffect='Wave down'>
but i don't see any change onto my header ... any tip? (check here:
http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php this is my testing board)
but if i change the 'values' into the ads .xml file i see that the changed effects are running correctly ...