I absolutely NEED this ability as well. I also have a Yahoo Group and am getting ready to transfer them over to a Message Forum format. The group is a "stock tips" site for fellow investors to share ideas quickly ... and to discuss these ideas on a forum. They are quite excited about moving to a message forum.
HOWEVER ... and this is a BIG one ... they MUST have the OPTION to subscribe to FORUMS ... not just to threads. Reason being is that the "threads" will be the individual "stock picks" ... and they would never know to subscribe to something that is NEW. It's critical that they be alerted immediately.
This is a real shame ... because I spent all this time setting up a vBulletin site ... only to find out that this function doesn't exist here ... but it DOES exist with the FREE phpBB forums. I am quite upset by this as it now feels like I wasted over $300 with the license and server costs.