I've found that the
{vb:raw vsachatbox} call works when it feels like it, not when YOU want it to work.

Best way to troubleshoot that is to take that out of all your pages, turn on the navbar hook included in the default chatbox install, and have it load on all pages. If it shows up on your page that way, then you know that at least the basic functionality is there and can keep trying to tweak things to work the way you want. If it doesn't show up this way, then there's likely something incompatible between chatbox and your custom pages.
Originally Posted by zeroality
I'm having trouble implementing the chatbox onto a custom forum template.
I am using Custom pages based on your vBulletin forum to make custom pages.
The page I want the chatbox on is called page_chat so I tried putting page_chat and PAGE_CHAT in the 'Show ChatBox in templates" field but neither work. I have the {vb:raw vsachatbox} code added to the page.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong.