Custom Javascript in Postbit
Currently, when you click on someone's Nickname in postbit, it pops up options to View Profile, Find Posts etc. On the 3.8.x I've been using a hack that allows you to click on the Nickname and that Nickname automatically gets inserted into the QUICK REPLY BOX. Another hack I had was: QUOTE select some text in posts, click on the QUOTE SELECTED link underneath your avatar and that selection gets inserted into the QUICK REPLY enclosed in [quote ].....[/quote ]
So my question is, is it possible to do that in vB 4??? I need to change the behavior of the current "click on NICKNAME"....not to show the dropdown option. I want to have a little arrow image right next to the ONLINE/OFFLINE status image where when you click you get that dropdown options instead but have the NICK name click to be inserted into QUICK REPLY as [B ]NICKNAME,[/B ]<br/>
Thank you very much in advance.