In some cases on some Mods I've seen that some Coders Share their Corrected Versions of the Mods with the Author and the Users, for it to be Tested, and they've simply Posted the File, the Author and Users Review it (at their Risk), and the Author Post the Update with the Respective Thanks and Recognitions to the Coder that Shared the Updated Version of the Mod.
I don't think there's something wrong with it. The Author Benefits, the Users Benefit, You Benefit by Sharing the Updated Mod and Getting the Recognitions (from the Users and from the Author if he Access His Account).
It'll be Really Nice to Test the Updated Version of the Mod. I Voted for this Mod as MOTM and It'd really Good to see the Bugs Corrected, some of them that I've Reported too.
My Best Regards.