I too am having sound problems - Quicktime plugin is installed, sounds are selected / enabled through the admin control panel settings - the embed appears on the page :
<embed id="dbtech_vbshout_sound_shout_1" autostart="false" volume="0" src="dbtech/vbshout/sounds/pop.mp3" width="1" height="1"></embed>
<embed id="dbtech_vbshout_sound_invite_1" autostart="false" volume="0" src="dbtech/vbshout/sounds/pop.mp3" width="1" height="1"></embed>
<embed id="dbtech_vbshout_sound_pm_1" autostart="false" volume="0" src="dbtech/vbshout/sounds/pop.mp3" width="1" height="1"></embed>
Yet still no sound. Tried on Firefox, also tried on Chrome - any ideas?