Originally Posted by Jaxel
Why don't you just type a description into the text box? When you click Submit Media on the submit form, it does not do ANY retrieval from feeds; so it is technically IMPOSSIBLE for this problem to exist. The information is passed from the text box; not from the feed. So I have no idea what this issue is, you are having. Sounds to me like User Error. You can add a video with no description simply by adding a description to the text box:
I don't understand how people can say "there is an error, please fix"... without telling me what the error is.
Metacafe works fine for me. Maybe its a browser problem? What browser are you using?
I'm not quite sure what you're asking... but videos can be sorted by which user uploaded them, and there is a rating system.
Wow what the heck?? how can you overide the youtube discription and still save it?? is their an setting im missing here?? cause whenever i write int he discription.. it just disregards what i write in the description.. and overides with what is in the youtube discription