Sorry, another piece of possible information are the style types, of which there are 8.
When you first load it you get "Movies" but there are more.
1) Default
2) FSD
3) JJ-Obs
4) JJ-Rasper
5) Movies
6) Sleek
7) TT
8) Uncut
The screen prints show these but it doesn't say which is which. Play around and try out each one to your own taste. Changing these are pretty easy. For forums you simply change the "Styles" portion of the options. If you have copied already to your CMS, you find the line that includes "+ '@import "slideshow/templates/Sleek/template_css.php" and change the folder to the new Style you want.
I really hope this is helping. It's stuff I found out through trial and error. But man do I like this hack!