Originally Posted by cvn
Both the number of posts and number of members generated for the meta description are higher than those indicated in the forums WGO. Please let me know how to fix that!
More importantly, I use CMS as my homepage, so I badly need this mod to work with CMS. At this moment, the figures don't appear, only the text does, in the search results. (of course I still can see those figures when view the code of my FORUM HOME).
Thanks so much!
the field it is using includes both moderated posts, threads and users (and banned ones) that dont appear in the WGO box.
as for the CMS issue, Im not currently using it, as I built a wp skin instead that mimics my forum skin, as I found wp to be far more flexible for my needs.
I will do a test install and get it working on the CMS pages as well though, and get that version out in the next week or two.