firstly - sorry for the late reply to your message anthony, only just seen it crop up in a google news alert...
Originally Posted by anthony parsons
Hi MogMartin,
Considering I have been around online marketing since 95, and I have reviewed your plugins, some of which are really outstanding to be blunt, I would actually have to advise people that this is more destructive than helpful to a websites SEO factor, especially the homepage, which is what you have designed this for.
Meta keywords is a totally useless tag which you should just remove out of the head section, however; the description tag actually still has bearing from Google for semantic connectivity purposes... simply put, it actually does affect your ranked position if it matches your title, page and link factors semantically. Using this mod vs. manually writing your homepage title and description, is really destructive.
Im not suggesting that you change your meta description to a bunch of numbers, Im purely suggesting that by having frequently updating value's google is spidering the page more often, I have tested this on several dozen websites using both wordpress and vbulletin, and that behaviour has been replicated on every test. There is no need to NOT include relevant text, but with this plugin you can additionally have values WITHIN the text that are updated frequently, hence increasing spider activity.
Originally Posted by anthony parsons
If its all just about COOL, I get that... it does do that. But from what you seem to selling, being the SEO direction, then this is destructive by taking up the very limited characters in which Google will use to assist ranking. It doesn't do a great deal, but it can mean the difference between position 5 and position 1 if all elements are in sync.
Just my two cents on this specific mod of yours, and to provide those not in the know about online marketing a further perspective. Again, some really excellent plugins from you, and this is great if COOL is what you want, but then SEO should not be used in conjunction with it IMHO, as this will do more damage to a homepage's overall SEO strategy than good.
I agree that it does take up some valuable space in the meta description tag, BUT sacrificing say 6 or 10 characters to increase spider activity is to me at least, an acceptable loss.