Originally Posted by Bob_R
Actually I've been told that it's part of the ajax response and to consult the mod author.
I mean is there an answer in our future?
I know he wants to get paid and all but this one was submitted for free originally. And, actually don't make a mod available if there are still bugs.
Thirdly, I'm a hell of a guy and I'd appreciate a fix and I'll never ask anything of this mod and author again.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
I have to put food on the table, which is why support is not free - read the first post.
The hack is available freely and I am not charging for the hack itself, only support which is my time and that is not free. I am not required to provide support for this hack (or any of my hacks for that matter), and have indicated this hack is
Not Supported.
If it an AJAX response issue as you say, then it is likely to do with the
twitter.php and/or
bitly.php API files which I am
not the author of. You will need to contact the author of those API files for a resolution as it has nothing what so ever to do with me, or like
Mastergumble said, you can try using
is.gd instead.