need site map generator
this comes with one lame attempt at site map generation, if you ever use google tools
you will probably see your site map down a lot. it comes up with errors because the cron job doesn't always work.
So what you get is one part of the site map generated, Ive even seen just one gs file , and there is supposed to be 3 thread,gz forum.gz and index.gz, i have posted it in and they act like its not really happening, but it is if you run it daily then chances are it will fix itself every day or every other day let me check real quick to see if mines up right now :>
amazing it is working right now. took me months to figure out to run it daily, because if you have it set for 14 days and don't check it its down for 14 days and then if it doesn't run right its down for 28 days, lets face it google will not index you like that.
So its actually ruining your hard work to try and get listed,I think what we need is a mod, that will generate a good site map then go in and delete the old files then write then new files then call the new files and check to see if they are empty or have site index. then if they don't run the job again and email the admin that the site map is Not working.
now i would pay for a mod like that